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WUSD Addresses Virtual Education For Next School Year

Kelly Seichter gave her year-end program goals report regarding Curriculum and Instruction at the WUSD School Board meeting on Monday night. According to her report, virtual enrollment was down between semesters, as more students had returned to in-person instruction during the second semester. A survey was released to those still enrolled in virtually in late May, which was met with generally positive feedback. Seichter acknowledged struggles connecting with students and keeping them engaged from home, attributing the overall success of the program to the continued efforts of their dedicated teachers.

For the second semester long-term plans, Seichter said the WUSD Virtual School Program was established by working with other educators and administrators in Elkhorn, Janesville, Waunakee, Wisconsin Virtual School, and Education Solutions Online, to fully evaluate their options. Options included purchasing a new online curriculum, but they want to integrate their existing teaching model as much as possible. To further explore their options, it was noted that the schools would need plenty of part-time staff.

Seichter concluded that the decision has been made to not establish a full-blown virtual school for the 2021-2022 school year. They will continue to utilize the JEDI Virtual School system and Education Solutions Online for virtual learning needs. Further considerations will be made going forward next year.

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