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New Mexico Man Sentenced for Travel With Intent to Engage in Illicit Sexual Conduct With a Minor


According to a press release from the United States Attorney in the Western District of Wisconsin, 33 year old Matthew Engelhardt from Roswell, New Mexico was sentenced yesterday to 51 months in prison for traveling from New Mexico to Janesville, Wisconsin with the intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct with minor. The term of imprisonment is to be followed by 20 years of supervised release. Engelhardt pleaded guilty to the charge on December 6 of 2021.

Back in April of 2019, an undercover officer posing as a 14 year old girl received a Facebook message from Englehardt asking her to be his girlfriend, and also asked whether she would have sex with him. Over the next two years, conversations continued on and off. In April of 2021, Englehardt told the undercover persona he would be coming to visit his sister at the end of June and asked if she would see him. The two arranged to meet at a store in Janesville to have sex in the bathroom.

On June 30 of 2021, undercover officers saw Engelhardt leave a motel in Janesville and run to the retail store, where he was arrested.

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