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Mukwonago Area School District Discussed COVID-19 Protocols for the 2021/2022 School Year


In a post from the Mukwonago Area School District, they shared that the board recently met and discussed COVID-19 safety protocols for the upcoming school year. In the 2021/2020 school year...

  • Masks will be optional in school and on our grounds for students and staff.

  • Hand washing will be stressed.

  • Buildings and grounds staff will continue with increased efforts to improve air circulation in our schools along with extra cleaning and sanitizing.

  • Students and staff will be required to stay home when ill.

  • When a student or staff member is confirmed as COVID-19 positive, the district will conduct contact tracing to identify close contacts. Close contacts will be notified. Quarantines will remain optional for asymptomatic close contacts. Positive staff or students should follow the CDC guidelines regarding length of isolation which is 10 days.

  • We are working with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to provide free, optional school-site COVID-19 testing to keep students and staff in school or to help them to return to school more quickly.

  • We will continue to provide information to students, staff, and families regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

At this time, a federal mandate still requires all passengers on public transportation -- including school buses -- to wear a mask. The school board will discuss this topic more fully at their August 16 meeting.

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