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Walworth County Receives Accolades from the Government Finance Officers Association


According to a press release from Walworth County, the county has received two accolades from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), including the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the year that ended December 31, 2020, and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the County’s 2022 budget document. This is the nineteenth consecutive year the County has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the eighteenth consecutive year the County has been recognized with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. To be considered, municipalities must be reevaluated each year.

The Financial Reporting Certificate Program evaluates information presented in a municipality’s annual financial report. The program promotes transparency and full disclosure in government by recognizing exemplary financial reporting by state, provincial, and local governments, as well as public universities and colleges, throughout the United States and Canada. Guidelines established by the GFOA ensure that recipients satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective financial reporting, and encourage recipients to go beyond the minimum requirements of financial reporting. To qualify, recipients must be rated proficient or better in all categories. Overall, the review encompasses 17 major categories with hundreds of individual evaluation criteria. The report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements.

The Budget Awards Program recognizes the best practices in budgeting and the use of nationally recognized budget guidelines throughout North America. There are over 1,700 participants in the Budget Awards Program. To earn recognition, budget documents must

meet program criteria and excel as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and

communications device.

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