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Walworth County Notified of Suspected Opioid Overdose Alert

According to a Walworth County Press Release, on October 3 the Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services was notified by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services of a suspected opioid overdose alert for Walworth County.

The alert was issued due to an increase in suspected opioid drug overdose activity in Walworth County between September 25 and October 1, when DHS identified three reports of suspected opioid drug overdoses seen at hospital emergency departments. An alert is triggered whenever the suspected number of opioid overdoses in emergency departments is statistically higher than usual in a specific area.

The suspected opioid overdose alert was generated through the National Syndromic Surveillance Program; a nationwide emergency department surveillance system that tracks suspected opioid overdoses.

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services uses the platform’s data to learn about suspected increases in activity so it can alert affected health departments. The data is listed as suspected because the cases were not confirmed by a clinician at the time the visit was transferred into the data system.

The Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services provides assessment, counseling, detoxification, and residential treatment of youth and adults with alcohol and/or drug addiction. Appointments can be scheduled by calling (262) 741-3200. Information is also available at

Those seeking help are also encouraged to dial 2-1-1. Among other things, 2-1-1 is a Wisconsin addiction recovery helpline that provides information, resources, and advocacy. A statewide resource, 2-1-1 is free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It can also be accessed at

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