In an update from the Village of Mukwonago, the Fire Department will have a referendum question appear on the November 8 ballot. The referendum is in an attempt to increase staffing levels, and recruit and retain staff to bring fire and EMS capabilities in line with national standards. Voters will be asked whether to support an increase in the property tax levy to fund these fire infrastructure needs. If the majority of voters vote “yes”, the department will increase personnel by 6 Firefighter/EMS Professionals (3 funded by the Village of Mukwonago and 3 funded by the Town of Mukwonago). The question on the ballot will read as follows:
“Under state law, the increase in the levy of the Village of Mukwonago
for the tax to be imposed for the next fiscal year, 2023, is limited to
4.64% (based on actual data or the Village’s best estimate), which
results in a levy of $6,934,162.79. Shall the Village of Mukwonago be
allowed to exceed this limit and increase the levy for the next fiscal
year, 2023, for the purpose of hiring and retaining additional fire fighter/
emergency medical services providers personnel for the Mukwonago
fire department, by a total of 10.77% (based on actual data or the
Village’s best estimate), which results in a levy of $7,340,511.84, and on
an ongoing basis thereafter.”
For more information on the referendum, see the attachment below.