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Upcoming Closure of Robert St. Bridge in Fort Atkinson

According to a press release from the City of Fort Atkinson, the Robert St. Bridge will close to all traffic on May 23 for extensive reconstruction. To allow for added traffic volume, Main St., between just south of S. 3rd St. and N. 3rd St., will be restriped to four lanes of active traffic. All on-street parking will be eliminated while Robert St. Bridge is closed. Pedestrian detours will be marked on sidewalks. The bridge will undergo a total deck replacement, including a dedicated left turn lane northbound, signal coordination at Third St., decorative lighting, a parapet wall, and wider sidewalk along with a decorative fence/rail. When the project is complete, the bridge will be safer for pedestrian and vehicular traffic and more aesthetically-pleasing. The bridge will reopen and Main St. will return to two lanes of traffic with on-street parking on or before August 27. For more information on the project, call Andy Selle at (920) 563-7760.

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