According to a press release from the Rock County Sheriff’s Office, sex offender Alexander W. Manthey will be relocating to the Rock Valley Community Programs in Janesville today. Manthey was convicted of 2nd degree sexual assault of a child in January of 2011 and in January of 2012, and 4th degree sexual assault in April of 2009. Conditions of Manthey’s supervision include, but are not limited to: No unsupervised contact with minors; No
taverns/bars/liquor stores; No contact with victims; Not to consume alcohol or drugs;
Comply with Standard Sex Offender Rules; Cooperate with Electronic Monitoring; Have
Face-to-Face Contact with Law Enforcement; Comply with all requirements, and be a
lifetime registrant of the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registration Program. For further
information regarding the placement of this offender, contact the Department of
Community Corrections at 608-758-6075.