In a press release from the School District of Janesville, they have released data on student enrollment for the 2022/2023 school year based on the district’s “Third Friday in September” enrollment count taken Friday, Sept. 16. Total student enrollment in SDJ is 9,474 representing a slight increase of six students from the previous year.
Enrollment count data reflects patterns in enrollment between grade levels. Kindergarten enrollment dropped by 49 students to 612 students for the 2022-23 school year. The P4J (4-year-old kindergarten) enrollment is now at 565 students, which is 20 fewer students than 2021-22. Enrollment in the SDJ high schools (grades 9-12) rose to 3,166 students, an increase of nine students from the 2021-22 school year.
When reviewing enrollment per graduation year in order to monitor the same cohort groups of students, increases in enrollment were noted in the graduation class of 2023 (grade 12) with 828 students, which is 85 more students than the 11th grade enrollment of 743 the previous year. The entering 9th grade class in 2022 has 754 students compared to 699 students in 2021’s 8th grade class, an increase of 55 students.
With 499 students enrolled in its charter schools, the SDJ saw a decrease of 133 students from the previous year. This might be driven by families continuing to return to the traditional school setting from virtual school. The SDJ ARISE Virtual Academy (AVA) has 142 full-time students in 2022-23, compared to 311 full-time enrolled students during the previous year. The district had 591 non-resident open enrollment applications to attend SDJ compared to the 521 applications of resident students applying to open enroll out of SDJ. This is a net gain of 70 open enrolled students into the district, and represents a decrease from the 2021-22 school year when the net gain was 118 students.