According to a press release from Representative Sue Conley, (D-Janesville) this spring she mailed her Spring 2022 Legislative Survey to constituents of the 44th Assembly District. 398 survey responses were collected. Some of the survey results include:
More than 75% of respondents do not feel the state of Wisconsin, under the legislature, is headed in the right direction
More than 60% of respondents ranked access to healthcare as their #1 or #2 issue priority
More than 80% of respondents do not want their taxes to be used to fund private schools
91% of respondents believe Wisconsin should utilize a nonpartisan redistricting process
65% of respondents believe cannabis should be made legal for recreational use and taxed and regulated
Nearly 90% of respondents agree Wisconsin workers should be given an option to participate in a paid family medical leave program
More than 90% of respondents believe all gun purchases should require a background check
For the full survey results, visit