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Palmyra Eagle Area School District Received Over $8 Thousand in Grants

According to an update from the Palmyra-Eagle Area School District, on April 18 they were presented with grants totaling over $8 thousand from the Palmyra-Eagle Scholarship and Education Foundation. 4K Eagle Elementary teacher Anna Robillard received $1.5 thousand for hands-on lab materials for outdoor classroom use. For 4K-2nd grade, Jen Prowitz and Kate Gigstad were awarded $2 thousand for Monocular Microscopes for use in middle school and high school science classes. Lance Pedersen received $1.2 thousand to create a multi-media room in the Palmyra-Eagle High school, including equipment for recording podcasts. Eagle Elementary School teacher Jodi Dooley will receive $1 thousand to further her efforts in special education with collaborative whiteboard tables for her students. Palmyra-Eagle Middle School social studies teacher Tammy Anderson received $599.80 to enhance projects with the purchase of an Atlas collection. 5th-12th grade band teacher Scott Hein received $1,077.86 to go towards his Band Instrument Rental Program. Palmyra-Eagle High School tech ed. teacher Tammy Spoerk was awarded $1 thousand to purchase a table saw and other equipment that will allow her classes to operate more safely and efficiently.

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