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Mukwonago Area School District Modifies Policy to Allow Additional Public Comment Period

According to an update from the Mukwonago Area School District, they are searching for additional opportunities to hear parent and community member input. They have modified School Board Policy 167.3 to add an additional public comment period to some of the school board meetings.

Public comments are reserved for district residents or parents of students attending schools within the district. Typically, comments must be related to topics that are listed under Action Items on the meeting agenda. However, on a quarterly basis, a second citizen comment period will be added to the monthly full board meeting agenda. District residents or parents of a district student may speak to the Board on any education-related topic during this thirty-minute time period.

Some restrictions still apply, such as statements will be limited to three minutes or less. Participants should be aware that the School Board members will listen to comments. They will not answer questions or interact with the commenter. Comments regarding specific district personnel are also not allowed. Personnel issues should be brought to the attention of Superintendent Shawn McNulty. This second period of public comments will be held at the January, April, July, and October full School Board meetings.

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