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Monday Night School District of Jefferson Board Meeting

On Monday night, the School District of Jefferson School Board held a meeting in the Jefferson High School Library. Prior to the beginning of the meeting, the elementary schools presented students with the September Citizen of the Month Awards. Students chosen for the award this month were presented with their certificate in front of the School Board, as well as family members who were in attendance.

After the presentation, the meeting proceeded into official business. The main item on the

agenda was a maintenance report from Tim Graffin, Director of Buildings and Grounds for the district. Graffin presented his ten-year plan for maintenance, as well as updating the board on various projects undertaken in the last year. These projects included reworking crumbling brick and mortar around the high school, painting middle school classrooms, removing old pipes, and the summer grounds project for students. The director also updated the board on the progress of GPS Ionization installation in schools. These ionizers are being installed in the vents and ducts of schools and have been shown to kill the COVID-19 virus. Ionizers have been installed successfully across the elementary and middle schools, with high school installation projected for winter break of 2021.

Following the maintenance report, superintendent Charles Urness gave a quick report, in which he noted that soon COVID-19 vaccinations will be available to students ages 5-11, as well as boosters for those already vaccinated. His report was followed by a quick rundown on budget changes, which was unanimously approved. All that remained after this was for the meeting to officially adjourn, wrapping up business within an hour.

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