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Milton School Board Meeting Recap

Earlier this week, the Milton School Board held a virtual meeting.

The board approved vouchers totaling $2,28,643.82, then after public comment, the board discussed a referendum which involved the new gym construction project. There are some shipments delayed, but they hope to have everything installed by November 1. Quality assurance checks are being wrapped up on the project.

Superintendent Richard Dahman then gave an update, where he suggested no immediate changes to the Milton Forward health plan. Community spread is near other schools' but the county is at the high level. As of September 23, the district had 7 active student cases, with 11 quarantined from inside district exposure, and 15 from outside exposure. Only 1 staff member had an active case, with no quarantines. The list changes frequently. Dahman said the transmission is low and the safety protocols are working. There is high transmission in the district outside of the school, which could create more stringent regulations. 61% of 12-18 year olds in the district have been fully vaccinated and that number is continually going up. When asked what number to get to to justify a protocol change in either direction, Dahman said that there needs to be a system in place that maintains safety.

"It isn't as simple as putting a number on it..." he said. "It would probably be more prudent for us to tighten restrictions rather than loosen our protocol, but at this time we're not recommending doing that. Our current protocols in place are working pretty well".

Dahman was asked about basing restrictions on a percentage based scale.

"I think we could put together something that says if cases get this high, we're going to become more stringent with our protocol, if cases go below a certain number point, if the number of cases is what we wanted to use... I don't know that timing in either direction to an individual number is wise for us", he said. "I wouldn't recommend a change in either direction at this time".

After this update, the board discussed borrowing up to $1.9 million from a local bank bidder at a rate of 2.49%. This ensures cash flow. The vote passed.

The board then passed 2021-2022 open enrollment alternative applications.

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