The Milton Common Council met earlier this week in a virtual setting.
The board discussed a commercial facade grant, to fence in a dumpster area, to make it look nicer. There was a separate request for a nearby business, with the same owner. Both businesses are located in the 110 block of Merchant Row. The council voted separately on both grants and voted to approve both.
The council then discussed an ordinance regulating a display of merchandise outdoors. This would follow a similar ordinance in Edgerton. It is up to the merchant to make sure the merchandise is secured and is not a safety risk. No glass items would be allowed. Businesses would fill out an application for a fee, to be set by future resolution, and the ordinance would go into effect on the 1st of the year. A question was posed about ceramics, and those would be allowed. There was a question about making the ordinance go into effect sooner because of the holidays, but the delay was considered to give the merchants time. The ordinance was approved with the first portion approved and the second and third waived.
The council then discussing amending an ordinance for special events. The existing ordinance states that special events need approval, if 50 or more people, the common council and public works must approve the ordinance. Option 1 includes public events on public property and must get a permit. The same can be said for public events on private properties. Ordinance 2021-488 that would accept the first reading, waiving the second and third and adopting, was passed.
The city then discussed Ordinance 489, which deals with hazardous trees in the city. If someone is unavailable, someone else would have to handle it, having a backup person on standby. This is the only change to the original ordinance. It was approved.
A request for proposal for Fire-EMS referendum. This is required regardless of the direction fire goes. The timing of the referendum remains to be seen, but the council wants someone on board to assist in that process and provide understanding to the community. The RFP doesn't bind the city to anything, but is from an advisory standpoint.
The next item was the Joint Powers and County Wide agreements with Rock County 911. One of the agreements is an eight year agreement. There are no changes to the language, there are just some minor tweaks to the agreement. The county wide and Joint Powers agreements were both approved.
A request to improve the shoulder and apron of Janesville Street was debated next. Repairs are still possible with the existing budget for 2021. Chapel and Woodcrest Streets are in the Capital Plan for 2022 to be paved, but are quite expensive. The entire street program would be needed for the Janesville Street project. It was suggested to have this included in the Capital list to prioritize what can be repaired when. ARPA funds could not be used for road projects. There was no action taken, but staff had direction.
The board then reviewed their August financial statement, and the City is in good shape in that regards. Then the committees gave their reports. The Fire Commission meeting has been moved from October 20 to October 26 due to conflicts.
After team building, the council adjourned.