In an update from the Jefferson County WI Government, they have shared information regarding where each government office will temporarily be located during construction.
The Veterans Service Office has moved to their new location at 100 N. Main St. The following departments will be closed for moving on September 29 and 30:
Human Resources
Corporation Counsel
These offices are moving across the street from the courthouse in the temporary office trailer at 302 S. Center Avenue.
County Clerk
Register of Deeds
Land and Water Conservation
Planning and Zoning
These offices are moving across the river to 222 Wisconsin Drive
Medical Examiner
This office is moving across Main Street to 104 W. Linden Drive, Jefferson
Treatment Court / CJCC
This office is moving one block north of the courthouse to 120 E. Milwaukee Street.
Child Support
This office is moving tentatively on October 6 across Main Street to 405 S. Main Street.
The clerk of court, courtrooms, district attorney, and sheriff’s office will remain at the same location in the courthouse until Phase II. There will be a new secure entrance located near the center of the courthouse to access the Courts and District Attorney's Office. The Sheriff's entrance will remain the same.
See the map below for a visual of the temporary office locations.
