According to the City of Janesville, the city’s transit system will host a community engagement forum on September 22 to discuss proposed improvements to the transfer center on River Street. The forum will be held at the transfer center location and is open to the public. Those travelling in a personal vehicle are asked to park on McKinley Street. JTS says it will be a casual atmosphere and residents and attendees can learn about the project and ask questions. According to the media release, the following items are proposed for improvements:
Adjustments along the concrete platform for ADA accessibility.
Major facility component replacement (HVAC, plumbing, concrete paving).
Refurbishment of the public lobby, restrooms, and dispatch room.
Improved vandal-resistance.
Roof replacement.
There is also plans to add on to the north side of the building and add family/unisex restrooms. Any questions before the meeting can be directed to 608-755-3150.