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Janesville Police Reporting Increased Number of Burglaries

According to an update from the Janesville Police Department, over the past 5 days they have responded to an increased number of burglaries at various businesses within the city. Detectives are actively investigating these burglaries, and police are asking the community to be watchful for anyone acting suspicious around businesses and to report the suspicious person to the Rock County Communication Center at (608) 757-2244.

Business owners are encouraged to be mindful of extra security measures at closing, such as:

Increased interior and exterior lighting

Ensuring doors and windows are secure.

Locking interior doors to prevent easy passage.

Concealing high-value goods from windows.

Secure cash in an inconspicuous location.

Recording serial numbers for high-value property.

Ensure video surveillance systems are operational.

Ensure alarm systems are set.

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