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Governor Evers Signs Bill Authored by Amy Loudenbeck


According to a press release from Representative Amy Loudenbeck, today Governor Tony Evers signed Senate Bill 673. The bill was authored by Representative Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton) and Senator Howard Marklein (R-Spring Green). The bill is now 2021 Wisconsin Act 261.

The release states that Act 261 creates a Geographical Information System (GIS) grant program to assist counties with the cost of data preparation, data gathering, data creation, geographic information system staffing, data preparation and collection contracts, and training. Local governments will need to prepare and enhance their GIS data in order to meet the technical requirements to enable Next Generation 911 (NG-911).

NG-911 is a digital or Internet Protocol (IP)-based 911 system, which is a major upgrade from the original analog technology that most 911 systems were built on, and in many cases still used today. Once upgraded, NG-911 will allow Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) to easily transfer calls to other call centers, re-route calls in case a PSAP experiences call overload, increase data sharing by receiving photos and videos and assist with more accurate location detection.

NG-911 implementation is dependent upon the development and maintenance of GIS data, including street centerlines, address points, and emergency response boundaries. Standardized geospatial data is a pivotal piece of NG-911, helping to accurately locate 911 calls and efficiently route responders via dispatch.

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