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Fort Atkinson City Council Recap

At last night’s Fort Atkinson City Council Meeting, two police officers were honored with a Lifesaving Award for their efforts in saving a residents life when CPR was needed. The officers saved the person’s life and the person is still alive today.

The council then discussed the review to be exempt from the library tax. The county sends the number every year and then requests the resolution. The resolution to exempt form the library tax and provide information to the clerk. It was approved.

The council then delved into the Census wards and the establishment of the new wards. This is more for review to let the community see the maps and the boundaries. The city is going back to 9 wards from 10. The council was requested to adopt the resolution based on the wards. November 9 is the tentative date to approve the final supervisory district plan. The county needs the resolution as an approval document in order to move order, and the city needs an ordinance, so the council was asked to approve two separate resolutions, one for the county and one for the city. Voters will likely not know of any changes. The first resolution was approved. There was then a first reading to repeal the municipal code regarding the Voting Wards and Boundaries.

The budget in Fort will have a new look this year and a public hearing is scheduled for November 2. Staff is working with Vande Walle on three separate projects and more information is coming in the future.

Fire Chief Daryl Rausch then talked to the council about the Change Order for fire department construction. This would deal with improvements for the hose tower. The big fires in Fort this year has helped the department realize the ventilation is not good, and about 5000 cubic feet will be moved to expedite that. The city electrician reviewed this. The project will come in just over $5.5 million. Rausch said it was opportune to renovate the station when they did, as since then there has been a 30% increase. An unbudgeted expenditure of $874.28 was asked to be approved, from the 2021 budget. The plan was approved.

The council then discussed a possible public safety referendum in 2022 regarding ambulance service and additional police hiring in the city. Two proposals were received by the September 30 deadline. It as determined that a community survey not be included as it is not necessary. The staff recommended a proposal from Mueller Communications for the referendum. This is $8000 more than the other proposal, but the second proposal had numerous “holes” in it. In terms of ARPA funds, it was proposed to spend $22,390 from the revenue replacement fund, of which $146,000 need to be spent from. A motion was made to accept Mueller’s proposal to serve as the referendum consultant for $46,781 and that the execution be contingent on the approval. It was approved.

The board then reviewed a one lot certified survey map for a Uhaul property on High Street. The project was approved. The old Shopko property was approved in a similar way and this isn’t the first CSM on this very lot. The property had been divided for some time.

A one lot extraterritorial CSM was also proposed for Old Highway 26 in Koshkonong. The lot is being split off in order to construct a new home. The planning commission had no concerns. The Town of Koshkonong, along with the County, and the City of Fort will look at it. There is a 3 mile service boundary around the city, which falls within the threshold to come to the planning commission. It was approved.

The board then went into closed session.

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