According to a press release from the City of Beloit, electric scooters are coming to the city beginning on Friday. The Beloit City Council approved of the scooters in June, and they are available through a mobile phone app that allows riders to pay to use the scooter per minute. Each scooter has a built in GPS that only allows for travel within Beloit city limits. Scooter riders must be 18 or older, and follow these specified rules:
Speed limit is 15 miles per hour and 10 miles per hour on multi-use paths
Scooters cannot be operated on City of Beloit roads with a speed limit over 25 miles per hour
Users must comply with all traffic regulations as drivers would in a motor vehicle
Users must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks
Must not be operated on a sidewalk
Parking Rules
Electric scooters shall be parked upright in a neat and orderly manner
Electric scooters may be parked at the following locations:
Docking station
Bicycle rack
Designated shared scooter parking
Geofenced parking location
Private property with permission of property owner
Sidewalks in some circumstances
Electric scooters must be parked without:
Blocking pedestrian access on a sidewalk
Reducing the clear width of a sidewalk to less than 60 inches
Blocking a crosswalk or access to a crosswalk, driveway or private road
Violating the Americans with Disability Act
Blocking vehicular traffic on streets or alleys
Threatening public safety or security
Being placed on bicycle ways, bicycle lanes or multi-use paths