In an update from the Delavan Police Department, they are warning the public of a scam. In this incident, the suspect identified himself as a Law Enforcement Officer. The suspect advised the victim that there was a warrant in their jurisdiction for the victim. The suspect then obtained the victims email and sent them a barcode that was later scanned at a local business where money was transferred onto a gift card. The City of Delavan Police department says that no Law Enforcement Agency accepts gift cards as payment for citations/warrants.
Also, when corresponding to Law Enforcement through email, look to see that the email is a government email address. These emails typically (but not always) end in or .gov and have the agency's name in them. If someone calls you for any reason and wants gift cards as payment, this is a scam and you should not give the person what they are asking for. Furthermore, do not provide these individuals with personal information such as banking information or social security numbers. If you do receive such a call and/or are asked to give gift cards for payment, contact your local Law Enforcement Agency.