May 16 notes:
---Bringing back the public safety committee chaired by alderperson Oliver Willson and co chaired by alderman Armstrong Garcia
---Request to allow outdoor display land use at 832 E Geneva st located in business local zoning district applicant- Gurjapbir Kahlon -died due to lack of a second
---Ord amending official zoning map and the step 3 GDP for former Pick n Save building to Tractor supply company location at 207 thru 433 S. Wright st *to allow for the development of out parcels in the business regional (BR) zoning district with a wellhead protection overlay applicant - Brian Fisher for Fisher consultant LLC - Steps were put in place to make sure that they are not pushing current business, would only allow for outparcels (plan commission moved to deny entire) after length conversation regarding this matter they sent it back to planning commission to get clarification on a few things
---quotes for fencing installation at Yadon Park for dog exercise area contract from Century defense of Milwaukee for a total of $55,780 -was approved grant applications were sent in to help with cost will get results from those in June
---Bid award for the Bowers boulevard storm sewer rehabilitation to VISU-Sewer incorporated out of Pewaukee in amount of $152,500 and approval of a 5% contingency amount to cover cost of scope of work changes-Approved
---Facade grant and loan program using ARPA funds -was approved (200,000 program to help fund updates to businesses in the community or business that need help)
---Amending municipal code of ord to add title 7 chapter 1 section 16 prohibiting pet stores from selling dogs and cats- Approved
---Amending municipal code section 10-1-14 to allow for 4-way stop signs at the intersection of 4th and Geneva streets and the intersection of Harrison and Wisconsin st -approved due to pedestrian volume
---Consider counter offer and a resolution authorizing the mayor to execute closing documents for the sale of city owned property on Ann st-Approved
----Carry Deschner Brandt and Mary Burke were appointed to library board of trustees
DISCLAIMER: Numbers and information may not accurately reflect the exact sums and totals or action taken by councils.