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City of Watertown Receives Two Grants from Transportation Alternatives Program

In an update from the City of Watertown, they have announced that they have been awarded two Transportation Alternatives Program grants. The grants will be used to fund two studies for projects within the city. The City of Watertown agreed to apply for these grants at their June 8, 2022 City Council meeting. The two projects that Watertown will undertake in 2023 are a study to repair the historic Tivoli Island Bridge and the development of a City-wide Bike and Pedestrian Network Master Plan.

The City-wide Bike and Pedestrian Network Master Plan will evaluate the current bicycle and pedestrian path segments that exist in the City and develop recommendations to connect and improve the network. State and County trails will be incorporated into this city-wide network, with input from the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Task Force. This study will provide better access and safe routes for residents and visitors to reach recreational, work, retail, school, and other destinations in Watertown. This study is estimated to cost $100 thousand.

The historic Tivoli Island Bridge is the only intact two-span bowstring truss bridge from the 1870s in Wisconsin, which makes it eligible to become a federally registered historical site. The bridge needs repair: an inspection in 2018 revealed work that is needed to the pier and abutments. The trusses have developed a slight lean and the concrete pier is deteriorating. This grant will allow the city to designate the historical nature of the bridge and determine the repair and restoration work needed. If designated as a federally registered historical site, the bridge will be eligible for an array of funding opportunities. However, it must be maintained in an approved manner to maintain eligibility. This study is estimated to cost $32 thousand.

Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) grants are available from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for projects that met eligibility criteria for the Safe Routes to School Program, Transportation Enhancements, and/or the Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Program are eligible projects and require the sponsor of the project to pay 20% of approved costs, while the program pays 80%.

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