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City of Janesville Community Engagement Forum Wednesday May 10th

The City of Janesville is inviting the public to attend an upcoming Community Engagement Forum for a comprehensive traffic and safety study along the Memorial Drive corridor between Parker Drive and Milton Avenue. According to the City, the study aims to develop recommendations and improvements to reduce crashes, improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, and maintain efficient traffic operations along the corridor. Community engagement is critical in the development and direction of the corridor study. The meeting will be held on Wednesday from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in the Adams Elementary School Auditorium. A short presentation, which includes a basic overview of study concepts, will begin at 5:10 p.m. The safety improvements the City is considering include Pedestrian crossing improvement alternatives; Implementing a Safety Conversion on East Memorial Drive between Parker Drive and Milton Avenue; and Reducing the cross-section from a 4-lane to a 3-lane cross-section consisting of two through lanes and a center Two-Way Left Turn Lane. Representatives from the City and MSA Professional Services, the engineering consultant hired by the City, will be available after the presentation to explain exhibits, provide additional information regarding the study, and answer questions. Wheelchair accessibility is available at the meeting site. Citizens who require a sign language interpreter may request one by contacting project staff through the Wisconsin Telecommunication Relay System at 711 or 1 (800) 947-3529. If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats, or other accommodations to access this service, activity, or program, please contact the City staff member listed below immediately.

The City encourages the public to attend the forum and welcomes community input on the proposed improvements. If you have questions or are unable to attend but would like more information, contact Civil Engineer Karissa Chapman Greer at or (608) 755-3163.

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