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Beloit City Council Meeting Recap

At last night's Beloit City Council Meeting, the council voted on a few topics and heard a presentation from City Manager Luther.

The board held a public hearing regarding improvements to sanitary and sewer water mains on Sherwood Drive. There are 13 properties that need future septic connections, with 8 in Turtle Township and 5 in the City of Beloit. There would be a total of $18,257.89 payable as hook up fees. 2 of those 13 properties, in Turtle, have somehow found their way into the city sewer system.

A meeting was held for the 13 properties and 10 of those properties participated. It was recommended to extend the period before interest starts from 45 days to 180 days. City residents will get a special assessment that would need to either be paid up front or over the 10 year payment plan in installments, whether they hook up or not, while Town residents would hold on to their fees until they hook up.

The 10 year period provides a payment plan to pay costs over time.

The resolution passed and was schedule to go to bid today with the bids opening 15 days later. November 1 is the targeted date to start construction.

The entire road would be repaved, so that there would be no trench down the middle of the road, however that will be paid for by construction capital. There are sewer lines behind some of the residences near the railroad tracks that were previously used but are now inactive.

The board also discussed a resolution to amend various sections of ordinance that defines medical facility uses. Two councilors recused themselves due to conflict of interest. It was discussed that the city needs to modernize its zoning, and the debate over permitted versus conditional use facilities is not about keeping companies out or hurting hometown businesses. One councilmember said he was "deeply embarrassed" about how the amendments had been characterized. There would not be zoning changes included in the amendments, and the amendment was approved.

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