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Whitewater Unified School District Meeting Second Half Recap


During this week's Whitewater Unified School District School Board, the Superintendent gave her report. The 2021 Inspiring Educator of the Year went to John Houwers. Parents are receiving weekly COVID updates on Tuesday at 4 PM. The school's numbers look very good and it "looks like a relatively normal year".

After that report, the board heard information about the Third Friday count, enrollment, and membership. All of this information needs to be finalized by October 1. The numbers are preliminary. There are a total of 1881 students that were counted, up by 70 students. Students can only count if they are there on that Friday, or the the Thursday before the count if they aren't there Friday, and then those numbers roll into the Friday count.

The board also discussed Custodial and Support Staff pay. A motion to add $.50 to custodial pay was approved.

The board also heard a proposal on naming school district facilities, this was just a first reading and passed, and also passed a donation in memory of a resident for Ferradermis Robotics.

The board then discussed the purchase of a projector at Lincoln Elementary, costing about $11,534.20. The projector was approved.

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