On Tuesday at 5:30 PM, the Lake Geneva School Board held a meeting. The Board got right down to business, going through reports from its various principals. Each principal reported success in their respective summer school programs, as well as high morale amongst students as they prepare for the coming academic year. The meeting then proceeded to the Director of Instruction’s monthly report, in which he announced that the mental health action plan for students is currently being revamped. He also mentioned that the total number of times staff had to physically restrain students has been down from previous years, as well as mentioning that many new staff members are receiving special ed training.
The report section of the night ended with the Superintendent’s report. Superintendent Jim Gottinger’s report mainly focused on the district’s current mask policy for the upcoming school year. As of now, Lake Geneva schools will be opening with masks completely optional for students. He addressed public concern for this issue, citing lack of student-to-student transmissions of COVID-19 in the previous year, and a survey conducted to gauge public opinion on the matter. The Board asserted that while student safety is a top priority, they don’t believe an optional mask policy is dangerous at this time. The Board
will monitor the situation as time passes, stating that the policy is constantly subject to change.
After approving the bids of bread and milk suppliers, which multiple Board members were very enthusiastic about, the meeting came to a close.