In an update from the Jefferson WI Police Department, they have shared information regarding three sex offenders in the area. These offenders have served their sentences and are not wanted by police at this time. However, they are all wishing to reside in areas that are within 1500 feet of a designated child safety zone; which goes against City of Jefferson ordinance 208-27. There will be a Sex Offender Residence Appeal Board meeting on September 13 at 4:00 p.m. at the City of Jefferson Police Department in the Community Room to discuss this topic.
Wayne A. Waldmann moved to Jefferson in July 2022 and lives on Collins Road.
John L. Grosskopf Jr. plans to move back to the city of Jefferson after his release from prison on September 22 to a residence on Sherwood Lane. He lived there before going to prison.
Randall D. Reynolds has moved back to the city of Jefferson in July of 2022 on Wisconsin Drive.
If you have any other questions, contact Detective Eric Weiss at the Jefferson Police Department (920) 674-7707.