According to an update from the City of Janesville, they are looking for volunteers interested in serving on a variety of boards and committees. Applications must be received by Sunday, March 6 to be considered. For an application form, visit If you have questions, call the Assistant to the City Manager, Erin Davis, at (608) 755-3103. The following appointments are available:
Advisory Committee on Appointments – 2 voting members
This committee recommends to the Council President and City Manager citizen nominees to boards, commissions, and committees. Meetings take place on an as needed basis.
Alcohol License Advisory Committee – 2 voting members, including 1 Industry Representative
The committee advises the City Council on applications for liquor and related licenses by reviewing all alcohol license applications, renewals, and amendments. The committee also researches and provides recommendations on alcohol-related ordinances and policies.
Citizens Board of Review – 2 voting members
The Citizens Board of Review is a board of five city residents who annually hold a formal public hearing to review property owners' objections regarding property assessments. The board listens to testimony from the Assessor's Office and the property owner to determine if adjustments to property assessments are appropriate. Meetings take place on an as needed basis.
Community Development Authority (CDA) – 1 voting member
The CDA has the responsibility of providing oversight into the City’s Rent Assistance Program as well as planning and implementing community development programs including housing improvement projects, homeownership programs, and neighborhood and downtown improvement projects. Meetings take place on the third Wednesday of each month.
Downtown Business Improvement District Board – 2 voting members
The Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) was established in 2017 to provide resources for revitalizing the downtown area. The BID’s activities are governed by a BID Board, as required by State Statute and the BID By-Laws. The BID Board holds a minimum of two meetings annually, per the By-Laws.
Historic Commission – 4 voting members
The commission reviews National Register nominations and promotes historic preservation awareness. The commission also makes recommendations to the City Council, and establishes guidelines and criteria for construction, alteration, or demolition of improvements within a historic district. Meetings take place on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Janesville Mobilizing 4 Change Board of Directors (JM4C) – Up to 8 voting members
This board provides fiscal and business oversight for the non-profit activities of Janesville Mobilizing 4 Change (JM4C). Additionally, the JM4C Board works with JM4C staff and coalition members to assess local conditions and develop comprehensive strategies that meet the goal of reducing youth alcohol and substance misuse. Meetings take place on the second Monday of each month.
Library Board of Trustees – 2 voting members
This board sets policy for operation of the Hedberg Public Library and prepares the Library's budget for City Council approval. Meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each month.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee – 4 voting members
The Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee is an eleven-member committee consisting of ten citizen members and one Councilmember. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Parks & Recreation Divisions and the City Administration on matters concerning planning, development, operation, maintenance, and promotion of the programs, facilities, and parks based upon the community's needs and interest. The Parks & Recreation Divisions staff the committee.
Police & Fire Commission – 1 voting member
The commission is responsible for hiring the Police and Fire Chiefs and approval of their subordinate appointments. They also review charges against and may discipline or dismiss the Police or Fire Chief or any subordinate. Meetings take place on an as needed basis.
Sustainable Janesville Committee – 5 voting members
This committee’s purpose is to advise the City Administration and the City Council on issues of environmental sustainability. Meetings take place monthly on the third Tuesday of the month.
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) – 2 voting members and 1 alternate member
The ZBA is a five-member Board with two alternate members that reviews requests to vary or modify standards in the zoning ordinance. Planning and Building Services serves as staff to the ZBA. Meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday of each month.