On Tuesday evening, the Fort Atkinson City Council held a short meeting. In this meeting, the Council briefly went over the City of Fort Atkinson Comprehensive Plan, and reviewed ordinances to amend zoning regulations for land development for plots purchased by True Storage, and another to be used for the Badgerland After School Enrichment program.
City Manager Rebecca LeMire also gave a report during the meeting. In her brief report, she announced that the city would be working with Express Pay to allow citizens to use their credit cards to make utility payments over the phone or online. She also mentioned that the Fort Atkinson School District was going to be applying for a grant to bring fiber to underserviced schools in the morning, allowing for huge improvements in the school’s digital infrastructure. According to LeMire’s report, a county redistricting meeting is to be held, where voting districts for the city will be redrawn based off data from the last census. She closed her report by mentioning that the city is now hiring for positions of Deputy City Clerk, Utility Billing Specialist, and Public Works Crewperson.