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Fort Atkinson New Phone Numbers Also Bring New Operational Changes

According to a press release from the City of Fort Atkinson, the phone numbers for both the Fort Atkinson Fire Department and Fort Atkinson Police Department are changing on July 1, 2022. The Fort Atkinson Police Department’s new non- emergency, administrative station number is 920-397-9908. In addition to the number change, new operational changes are being implemented. The FAFD has staff on duty 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies, however this phone number is designed for administrative, non-emergency purposes and the on-duty Firefighter(s) may be out in the field and unavailable to answer the station’s phone. The station’s phone system does have multiple options available to leave messages. Choosing the Duty Officer option will eventually trigger the system to send the call to the Fort Atkinson Police Department dispatch/911 desk which is staffed 24 hours a day. Dial 911 for emergencies.

If a building contains a sprinkler system, fire alarm system, medical alarm system, elevators, or other monitored system or equipment that transmits a signal to a monitoring company, it is imperative to contact the monitoring company and ensure they have the new primary and secondary numbers listed below for contacting emergency services starting July 1. Failure to do so will result in the monitoring company not being able to contact emergency services and ultimately fire/EMS/police will not be altered to an alarm or emergency. Dialing 911 does not work for monitoring companies. Additionally, elevators that are designed to dial out directly from the elevator car in case of emergency must be reprogrammed to the new numbers below or those elevators phone systems will not be able to contact emergency services. Monitoring companies and elevators that dial out must use the numbers below to contact emergency services starting July 1, 2022:

Primary - Fort Atkinson Emergency Dispatch Center (also new number)


Secondary - Jefferson County’s Emergency Dispatch Center


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