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Eagle Fire Department Reports Above Average Call Volume, Prepares For Merger


During last night’s Eagle Town Board meeting, Deputy Fire Chief Steve Wilton spoke about the status of the fire department’s merger with North Prairie and the rising call count in the fire district.

Just yesterday alone, the department ran its 357th call of the year, and during the meeting the 358th call came in. They had 11 calls in 36 hours, and in September the department actually had its slowest month of the year with 33 calls, which is still above average. This came out to 19 EMS, 7 Fire, 16 in town and 14 in village, and 3 mutual aid. Wilton said the pandemic has directly affected the increase, with more people staying home and not going to work. At the same time, “pandemic tiredness” is causing an increase in traffic accidents. Wilton also requested a construction project at County N and Wilton Road be brought forth to the Planning Commission, as what was supposed to be a 30 day culvert replacement is now three and a half months in with no end in sight.

As the department merges with North Prairie, Wilton has consulted with the Wisconsin State Archivist to restructure the department’s records retention policy. The possibility looms that Eagle FD would need to hold back reserve money because bills would be coming through March.

Finally, the department received a donation for new extrication equipment to replace aging equipment and creating easier access to newer vehicles if they need to cut open a roof to extract a patient. The battery electric equipment will cut 232,000 pounds of pressure.

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