According to an update from the City of Beloit, convicted sex offender Ervin Burris, who lives on Hackett St., has been released from a Chapter 980 civil commitment and was released without supervision requirements. Burris’ targeted victims include multiple prepubescent and adult females. Most of his victims were strangers, but one was an acquaintance. He was convicted in 1989 of first-degree sexual assault of a child-habitual. Other convictions in the 1970-80’s include fourth degree sexual assault, indecent exposure-repeater (5 counts), lewd and lascivious behavior, battery to an elderly person, and robbery. After serving his prison sentence, Burris was civilly committed in 2000 under Wisconsin’s sexually violent person commitments law. However, the court has determined that Burris has reached a point in treatment where he is likely not to re-offend. However, he is still required to be on the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry for life and will also have GPS monitoring for life. If you observe any criminal violations, contact the Beloit Police Department at the non-emergency number: 608-757-2244.
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